Integrate GARP
For the following tutorial we are going to assume you use Foundry. If you are using other frameworks, you may need to copy the relevant interfaces into your repository.
To install Generalised Incentives as a dependency in your repository, run
forge install
This will add Generalised Incentives to your repository and you are now ready to integrate it into your contract.
Start by adding import statements to your smart contract file. We need to import 2 files:
- ICrossChainReceiver: This will ensure you correctly implement the interfaces for the message callbacks
- IIncentivizedMessageEscrow: This will ensure you correctly call the message escrow correctly.
- [Optionally] IMessageEscrowStructs: To simplify struct handling.
Adding these to your contract will look something like this:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: <YOUR_LICENSE_HERE>pragma solidity ^0.Y.X;
import { ICrossChainReceiver } from "GeneralisedIncentives/src/interfaces/ICrossChainReceiver.sol";import { IIncentivizedMessageEscrow } from "GeneralisedIncentives/src/interfaces/IIncentivizedMessageEscrow.sol";import { IMessageEscrowStructs } from "GeneralisedIncentives/src/interfaces/IMessageEscrowStructs.sol";
contract YourContract is ICrossChainReceiver, IMessageEscrowStructs { ...}
Defining Structures
The integration is less opinionated than other cross-chain endpoint, as we need to define some boilercode. First, lets set our escrow endpoint. Below we present 2 options
- Set the escrow explicitly. This defines a single escrow which you may interact in. This may be desired to reduce complexity but also introduces some vendor lock-in.
- Define a list of escrow that are allowed. This allows you to pick and choose which AMB is best suited for a certain connection. This introduces some additional complexity but mitigates vendor lock-in.
contract YourContract is ICrossChainReceiver, IMessageEscrowStructs {
// Solution 1 sets the escrow explicitly. If you don't plan on changing // AMB in the future immutable save gas when read. However, you can also // forgo the immutable word to be able to change the escrow. // We recommend setting the storage or exposting it to let other people // know which escrow this contract is using. IIncentivizedMessageEscrow immutable public escrow;
// Solution 2 sets a map between escrow addresses and booleans. This // is significantly more customizable as it allows for multiple AMBs // to be used from a single contract. With a bit further modification // you can also set which escrows are allowed for which chain identifiers. mapping(address => bool) approvedEscrows;
constructor(address escrow) { // Solution 1: Set the escrow. escrow = IIncentivizedMessageEscrow(escrow); // Solution 2: Store the escrow as approved. approvedEscrows[escrow] = true; }
// We need to validate senders. Lets define a custom error for our modifier. error NotApprovedEscrow(); // Validating function inputs if most often done with modifiers as it reduces // code reuse. We will define onlyEscrow() as a check on msg.sender. modifier onlyEscrow() { // Solution 1: We can simply check explicitly if there is a match. // if the caller isn't the escrow, revert with NotApprovedEscrow if (msg.sender != address(escrow)) revert NotApprovedEscrow(); // Solution 2: We need to make a lookup to check if the caller is approved. // if the caller isn't the approved, revert with NotApprovedEscrow if (!approvedEscrows(msg.sender)) revert NotApprovedEscrow(); _; }}
Generalised Incentives defines 2 callback functions we need to implement:
- receiveAck: Called when a message has been processed on the destination.
- receiveMessage: Called when you receive a message from the source chain.
Lets add these functions to our contract
contract YourContract is ICrossChainReceiver, IMessageEscrowStructs { error AckAlreadyDelivered();
event WowAck( bytes1 status, bytes acknowledgement, );
// Generalised Incentives allows replaying acks. As a result, it is important // that you ensure that acks cannot be delivered multiple times. mapping(bytes => bool) ackSpent;
// Remember to add your onlyEscrow modifier. function receiveAck(bytes32 destinationIdentifier, bytes32 messageIdentifier, bytes calldata acknowledgement) onlyEscrow() external {
if (ackSpent[acknowledgement]) revert AckAlreadyDelivered(); ackSpent[acknowledgement] = true;
// Wow, much ACK! // IF the transaction fails, the first byte of the transaction is an error code and // the rest of the package is your original message. Use this to your advantage. emit WowAck(acknowledgement[0], acknowledgement[1:]); }
// Remember to add your onlyEscrow modifier. function receiveMessage(bytes32 sourceIdentifierbytes, bytes32 messageIdentifier, bytes calldata fromApplication, bytes calldata message) onlyEscrow() external returns(bytes memory acknowledgement) { // Do some processing and then return back your ack. // Notice that we are sending back 00 before our message. // That is because if the message fails for some reason, // an error code is prepended to the message. // By always sending back hex"00", we ensure that the first byte is unused. // Alternatively, use this byte as our own failure code. return bytes.concat( hex"00", keccak(message) ); }}
We now implemented the reference code for Generalised incentives and is ready for processing messages sent to us.
For more information, check the relevant natspecs.
Sending Messages
We haven’t actually sent any messages yet. Lets do that. For simplicity, this section assumes that you used solution 1.
contract YourContract is ICrossChainReceiver, IMessageEscrowStructs { // If your contract didn't inherit IMessageEscrowStructs, you may have to // set the type of incentive to IIncentivizedMessageEscrow.IncentiveDescription. function sendMessage(bytes32 destinationIdentifier, bytes destinationAddress, bytes calldata message, IncentiveDescription calldata incentive, uint64 deadline) payable external { // Submit the message to the escrow. Remember to add associated value. // If you send excess, it will be sent to incentive.refundGasTo. escrow.submitMessage{value: msg.value}( destinationIdentifier, destinationAddress, message, incentive, deadline ); }}