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Setting up a Relayer

To configure the relayer, we will go through the following steps:

Installing Dependencies

The only dependencies for the relayer are Docker and Docker Compose Plugin (≥v2.24.0). You can find the installation instructions here:

Click on the operation system of choice. We recommend Ubuntu and follow the relevant instructions like “Install using the apt repository”.

Before going further, check if you have Docker installed, run:

Terminal window
docker compose version

It should return: Docker Compose version v2.24.7 or similar. If it returns a version lower than v2.24.0 or an error, you have done something wrong.

Installing the Relayer

To install the relayer, pull the generalised-relayer repository.

Terminal window
git clone
cd generalised-relayer

We also need to make two copies of the configuration files.

Terminal window
cp config.example.yaml config.production.yaml
cp .env.example .env

Once this has been done, we can go on to configuration.

Configuring the Relayer

We need to edit config.production.yaml with the correct configuration values. Assuming that you initially just want to dip your toes into relaying Generalised Incentives messages, you only have to set global.privateKey and RPCs (chains.[chain].rpc).

Private key

This is a sensitive operation. You will have to generate a private key that will hold the gas for the relayer and relaying rewards. If someone else gets access to this key, they can steal your funds!

For this tutorial we will use Foundry to give us a new address, however, Metamask is also suitable. Using Foundry: cast wallet new will produce an output like:

Terminal window
Successfully created new keypair.
Private key: <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY>

If you haven’t installed Foundry, this command will not work. Instead, use Metamask.

Remember to backup your private key. After backing up your private key add it to the config. It is line number 2:

Terminal window
nano config.production.yaml

It should look something like:

privateKey: '0xf2d04...2369'
logLevel: 'info'
blockDelay: 1

where 0xf2d04...23d9 is your privatekey.


The relayer comes with default public RPCs, however, these are not competitive, stable, or likely to continue working. By default, the config also contains a lot of chains. You may want to disable some chains depending on your preference.

We recommend an RPC service like Alchemy. If you make an account with Alchemy, you can also get funds for a testnet deployment from their faucets:

Edit the config with your chain configuration, they can be found at the bottom.

Terminal window
nano config.production.yaml

It should look something like this:

- chainId: 11155111
name: "Sepolia"
rpc: "<SEPOLIA_RPC>"
- chainId: 421614
name: "Arbitrum Sepolia"
- chainId: 11155420
name: "OP Sepolia"
- chainId: 84532
name: "Base Sepolia"


The relayer chooses the configuration file based on the env. variable NODE_ENV. So far we have worked with the configuration being named config.production.yaml. As a result, we need to set NODE_ENV appropriately. This is done by running:

Terminal window
export NODE_ENV=production

For simplicity, you can set NODE_ENV across sessions. If you use this machine for other projects don’t do this.

Terminal window
echo "export NODE_ENV=production" >> ~/.bashrc

Running the relayer

When everything has been set, assuming you are within the relayer folder, ~/generalised-relayer, you can start the relayer by running:

Terminal window
docker compose up -d

You can access the log by running:

Terminal window
docker compose logs relayer -fn 100

If you want to stop the relayer you can run

Terminal window
docker compose stop